St Mary's Catholic Primary School


Expectations of Students

Learning tasks shared via the webpage are available for students who:

  • are self isolating due to medical instructions
  • are self isolating due to medical instructions for immediate family members
  • are at home following Government advice

These tasks are NOT for students:

  • who are UNWELL themselves i.e. sick day
  • on pre-approved leave entitlements i.e. holidays

Students whilst ‘Remote Learning’ are expected to:

  • ATTEMPT the weekly schedule to the best of their ability
  • SUBMIT the ‘teacher – identified’ task as required in the weekly schedule using the following:

K – 3: Submission using Seesaw

4 – 6: Teams and One Note – FOLLOW TASK INSTRUCTIONS to make sure you submit to the right place

  • Apply work habits as if you were at school i.e. spelling, book presentation, writing left to right, neat handwriting

The online platforms used to deliver learning tasks are for educational purposes only. They are not for social communication. Students are not to use their CEWA credentials to access other websites.

Expectations of Parents and Carers

Parents and carers of students who are ‘Remote Learning’ are expected to:

  • inform the school if your child/ren are not attending school, outlining the expected period of absence and medical reasoning
  • familiarise & encourage their child/ren in attempting the set tasks for their weekly schedule
  • inform the school office (emailing if you experience technical issues or connection issues
  • support their child/ren to understand task expectations before they start tasks
  • encourage their child/ren maintain high level handwriting standards (eg neat handwriting, writing from left to right etc)
  • define a space for your child to work in

Expectations of Teachers

Teachers are expected to:

  • provide weekly plans to be uploaded to the St Mary’s Remote Learning Page on the School’s website
  • structure weekly tasks at year level demonstrating a continuity of learning – using student friendly language
  • identify a minimum of one learning task on the Weekly Plan that is to be submitted for teacher observation
  • provide feedback when possible back to students, at least once a week